QTP10.00 New Features

New Features of QTP 10.00
1. Centrally Manage and Share Testing Assets, Dependencies, and Versions in Quality Center 10.00
In the earlier version of QC, the Test Assets like ( Repository, Library, Recoveries ) are placed in the Attachments and if these assets are associated to the Test there is no dependencies information.
In QC 10.00 there is a new Section called “Test Resources” in the section we can place all the Assets and associate these to the Test Script. The QC tool maintains the dependencies information between the Assets and Test Script.
It also provides build in Version control; when the Test case/ scripts ..etc is checkout and checkin into QC it will maintain a new version which is similar concept in VSS.
2. Perform Single-User Local System Monitoring While Running Your Tests
we can observe the performance of the local system when the script is executed. Like usage of memory, GDI objects, Thread counters.
Navigation: To select the Local System Motitoring
File menu-->Settings--> Local System Monitoring
Select the “Enable Local System Monitoring every seconds”
Select the Application name
Select the counter and Limit size
After the Test Run, the status is shown in the Test Results
3. Improve Portability by Saving Copies of Tests Together with Their Resource Files
When we save the test from QC into local system ; all the associated assets like Object Repositories, Function Libraries, Recovery Scenarios are also copied to the local system and we can run the script from local system with out any change in the assoication assets path / with out any changes.
Steps :
Open the Test in QTP which is in the QC
File menuĂ  select “Save Test with Resources”
Following type of details are displayed
select the location in local system to save the file and save
4. Call Actions Dynamically During the Test Run
we can dynamically load and run actions instead of Call to Existing action and associating the reusable Actions. These action is loaded into memory and run only when the statement is executed and not during the Test / Action open.
Syntax: Loadandrunaction “Path of QTP test”,”Actioname”
Important Information
The action is loaded only when the step runs (and not when the test opens). Therefore:
The action is never listed in:
The Resources pane in QuickTest.
The Test Flow pane in QuickTest.
The Missing Resources pane in QuickTest.
The Dependencies tab in the Quality Center Test Resources module.
This can affect test maintenance because the action can potentially be modified or deleted with its parent test without anyone realizing that it is called by this test. Conversely, when performing maintenance on this test, this action can be overlooked because it is not clearly visible as a resource.
Run performance can be affected because the action is loaded and run during the run session (and not when the test is opened).
During a run session, you can view the actions that are run using the LoadAndRunAction statement. As an action begins to run, the action name is displayed in the LoadAndRunAction Calls section of the Action toolbar in the Keyword View and in the Expert View. The called actions remain listed in the toolbar until the end of the run session, at which point they are cleared from the list.
At the end of a run session, all of the actions that were dynamically loaded are unloaded. In the Test Results window, you can view the steps that ran during the run session.
5. Develop Your Own Bitmap Checkpoint Comparison Algorithm
By default, a bitmap checkpoint compares the actual and expected bitmaps pixel by pixel and fails if there are any differences. QuickTest enables its users to define tolerance levels for bitmap checkpoints to refine the bitmap comparison and make it more flexible. For more information, see Fine-Tuning the Bitmap Comparison.

If you need to further customize the way bitmaps are compared in checkpoints, you can develop custom comparers that compare bitmaps according to your requirements. You develop a custom comparer as a COM object and install and register it on the QuickTest computer. A QuickTest user can then choose to use a custom comparer to perform the comparison in a bitmap checkpoint (on a per checkpoint basis).
Note : for more information on Customizing the Alogrithm Please Refer Help in QTP
6. Centrally Manage Your Work Items and ToDo Tasks in the To Do Pane
we can make a note of all the tasks to be perfomed in the TODO Pane
View menu--> To Do List
7. Improve Test Results Analysis with New Reporting Functionality
A. Export Results Report
The results can be exported to DOC, PDF files also apart from HTML.
In the Results window ; File menu--> Export Report
B. Reporter.ReportEvent
During the script execution for any failed steps we can capture the bitmap and display it in the results window along with Reporter.ReportEvent method
If condition is falied then
Window(“Flight Reservation”).CaptureBitmap “b1.bmp”
Reporter.ReportEvent 1,”Error”,”The error message in the window”,”b1.bmp”

End if
C. Jumping to a Step in QuickTest
We can view the step in QuickTest that corresponds to a node in the run results tree.
To view the step in the test that corresponds to a node:
Select a node in the run results tree.
Perform one of the following:
Click the Jump to Step in QuickTest button from the Run Results toolbar.
Right-click and select Jump to Step in QuickTest from the context-sensitive menu.
Select View > Jump to Step in QuickTest.
The QuickTest window is activated and the step is highlighted.
8. Test Standard and Custom Delphi Objects Using the Delphi Add-in and Delphi Add-in Extensibility
We can use the QuickTest Professional Delphi Add-in to test objects in Delphi applications. We can create and run tests and components on these objects, as well as check their properties. We create and run tests and components on Delphi applications in much the same way as you do for other Windows-based applications.
The Delphi Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be used when testing objects in Delphi applications

Product Enhancements
1.Upgrade from QuickTest 9.5
If QuickTest 9.5 is installed on the computer, we can choose to upgrade to QuickTest version 10.00. This enables us to continue using many of the configurations and options we have already set in QuickTest 9.5. We can also use an msi silent installation command line to upgrade from QuickTest 9.5.
2.Improved IntelliSense Functionality
QuickTest now provides full IntelliSense for the following types of objects:
Objects created by a step or function (for example, by calling the CreateObject method)
Variables to which an object is assigned
Reserved objects
COM objects
Properties that return objects
3.Added Control for Editing and Managing Actions in Automation Scripts
The QuickTest Professional Automation Object Model has a new set of objects and methods for manipulating test actions and action parameters. We can now use automation scripts to create new actions, modify and validate the syntax of action scripts, create and modify action parameters, and more.
4.Improved Debugger Pane Design and Functionality
The Debug Viewer pane has a new look, including icons to help us identify the type of information displayed.
The Watch tab and Variable tab now display the types of expressions or variables, in addition to their names and values.
The Command tab now displays the command history (in read-only format) in addition to the command line, enabling us to view previously-run commands and select commands to reuse.
In addition, a right-click context menu in the Command tab enables us to:
copy from the command history and edit the command line using the clipboard.
clear the command history.
5.New Object Identification Solutions in Maintenance Run Mode
In addition to helping us update the steps and object repositories when objects in the application change, the Maintenance Run Wizard can now help to solve the following problems:
The step failed because the object in the test is missing from the action's associated object repositories.
The object in the step exists in the application, but can be identified only through Smart Identification.
6.Additional Configuration Settings for Text Recognition Mechanism
We can now set all text recognition configuration settings from the QuickTest Options Dialog Box (Tools > Options > General > Text Recognition), including new options for selecting the text block mode and specifying the languages to be used with the OCR mechanism. This makes it easier to make any necessary adjustments and to optimize the way that QuickTest identifies text in the application.
7.New Look for Options, Settings, and File Dialog Boxes
The QuickTest Options and Settings dialog boxes have changed from their former tab-based design to a more easily navigable tree-based structure. The tree contains only the options relevant for the add-ins that are currently loaded.
8.QuickTest Toolbar Customization Options
We can use the new Customize Dialog box (Tools > Customize) to customize the appearance of existing menus and toolbars, and to create our own user-defined menus, toolbar buttons, and shortcuts.
We can also add new commands to the QuickTest Tools menu so that we can launch an application directly from the menu. For example, we can use this option to create a shortcut to the application we want to test or to an automation script.
9.Improved Web Extensibility
QuickTest Professional Web Add-in Extensibility enables us to develop packages that provide high-level support for third-party and custom Web controls that are not supported out-of-the-box by the Web Add-in.
Limited extensibility support for the ASP .NET AJAX Control toolkit is provided with the extensibility installation. We can use this package as an example for reference or as a basis for our own Ajax extensibility packages.
By creating support for a Web control using Web Add-in Extensibility, we can direct QuickTest to recognize the control as belonging to a specific test object class. We can also extend the list of available test object classes that QuickTest is able to recognize and the list of operations that are available for each class. This enables us to create tests that fully support the specific behavior of custom Web controls.
The QuickTest Professional Web Add-in Extensibility SDK 10.00 offers the following improvements:
The Web Add-in Extensibility SDK now provides a global object, window, that we can use in the JavaScript code to access the Internet Explorer global namespace. This enables us to access client-side JavaScript objects and functions in the application we are testing.
We can now use the Microsoft Script Debugger or the Microsoft Visual Studio debugger to debug JavaScript code that we write for Web Add-in Extensibility.
The LogLine method provided by the _util object can now (optionally) accept a numeric ID and a numeric Category for the log entry that it passes to the event log. Users can later use this information to filter log entries in the Event Viewer. In addition, the LogLine method can now accept string values for the severity argument, in addition to numeric values.
10. .NET Add-in and Extensibility Improvements
The .NET Add-in provides the following new objects and methods:
The .NET Add-in now supports learning, recording, and running on .NET Windows Forms property grids. QuickTest learns these controls using the new SwfPropertyGrid test object class.
The .NET Add-in has a new GetErrorProviderText method and ErrorProviderText identification property, which is supported for all .NET Windows Forms test objects. We can use this method or property to retrieve the tooltip text of the error icon associated with the object.
.NET Add-in Extensibility includes the following enhancements:
The C# and Visual Basic project templates and wizards provided with the .NET Add-in Extensibility SDK installation are now provided on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (as well as on Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005).
.NET Add-in Extensibility now enables users to create support for table checkpoints on custom .NET Windows Forms table controls.
11.New Terminal Emulator Configuration Validation
The Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog box now includes a Validate button. When we click this button, QuickTest checks the current configurations of the selected emulator. If a problem is detected, a brief description is displayed in the pane. We can also click the Troubleshoot button to view a Help page that provides additional information about the detected problem.
