
A use Case Diagram Describes the Communication flow ( Request & Response) between the external user and the system / Internal communication between 2 different components.

The Technical usecase Describes the Requirement Details; The Technical usecase for a Requirement has the below details

UseCaseID : A Unique ID for the usecase
UseCaseName : Name of the USeCase
Goal : What is the purpose of the usecase and output
Actor : The users who will have permission to interact with the system
Description : Describe about the functionality of the Requirement
PreConditions : The Preconditions to be satisfied for the requirement to be started
PostConditions : The final output after execution of the requirement
Exceptions : Describes any exceptions / errors might occur during execution of the Req.
Priority : Priority of the Requirement High / Medium / Low
Fequency of use : How frequently the requirement is used in the application
Assumptions : List any assumptions made by the Analyst during the preparation of the Req Details
Check the below doc

The below links also Provide you good information on usecases Diagram for ATM Functionality
