New Features of QTP 11.00
Manage Your Test Data
Quality Center (HP ALM) test configuration functionality enables to determine at runtime which data sets to use for the tests in Test Plan.
We can store the Test data for the tests in the Quality Center Test Resources module in the form of data table resource files.
The new QuickTest-Service Test integration provides to test across the GUI and non-GUI layers of the application.
We can use QuickTest steps to start testing the GUI elements in the application, then call a Service Test test to validate service communications (standard Web Services, non-SOAP Web Services, such as REST, etc.), and then step back into your QuickTest GUI testing, all in a single test run.
The results of the QuickTest and Service Test steps are displayed in a unified report in the new Run Results Viewer.
The new Run Results Viewer provides an Executive Summary page with summary data, pie charts and statistics for both the current and previous runs, a quick link to the previous run results, and more.

We can use visual relation identifiers to identify application objects based on other objects that are always near them, We can configure this in Object Repository for the Test Objects.
QuickTest's new Log Tracking functionality helps to work with developers to pinpoint the root causes of unexpected behavior in the application.
When log tracking is enabled, QuickTest receives the Java or .NET log framework messages from the application and embeds them in the run results.
QuickTest 11.00 provides Web Add-in Extensibility-based add-ins for ASP .NET Ajax, GWT, Yahoo UI, and Dojo Web 2.0 toolkits.
We can use these add-ins just as any other add-in. We can also use Web Add-in Extensibility or Extensibility Accelerator to customize the provided support to match the needs
Many new testing capabilities are now available for working with Web-Based objects.
Event Identifiers.
We can instruct QuickTest to automatically parameterize the steps in the test's actions at the end of a recording session.
We can select this option in the General tab of the Options dialog box. We can set the option to use Global Data Table Parameters or Test Parameters.
When the Script is recorded automatically all the constant values in the script are parameterized with the selected option

Example :
Window("Flight Reservation").Activate
Window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu").Select Parameter("Menu_Item")
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Order No.").Set Parameter("WinCheckBox_Value")
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinEdit("Edit").Set Parameter("Edit_Text")
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinButton("OK").Click
Window("Flight Reservation").Activate
New Silverlight Add-in
We can use the new Silverlight Add-in to test objects in Silverlight 2 and Silverlight 3 applications.
Load Function Libraries at Run Time
LoadFunctionLibrary “pathof .qfl”,”path of .qfl”………
Product Enhancements
QuickTest now offers the following product and feature enhancements. Click a link to view more details about the selected item.
Apart from show the properties of objects, we can add object in repository, Highligt object in app, copy object properties
We can now manage checkpoints and output value objects when comparing, merging, and exporting object repositories just like any other test object, including filtering, searching, and conflict resolution
Reporter.ReportEvent status, stepname,details, imagepath/captured image
QuickTest Professional recognizes objects across multiple monitors, meaning that the application display no longer needs to be limited to one screen. Alternatively, we can view QuickTest Professional on one monitor while the steps run on your application on another monitor
The following methods are available for testing Web-based applications:
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