DotNetFactory Introduction---1


This utility object is available from QTP 9.2 onwards and all the versions after 9.2,

This utility object you can see in Insert menu--->Step Generator---->utility object Category---->Select in Object List

This Object Provides QTP scripting to access methods and properties of a .NET object by creating an instance for this object.

Syntax :
Dim d
set d=CreateInstance(Typename,assembly,parameters)

 Typename :  name of the object

 assembly (optional): if it is already preloaded assembly then no need to specify else we have to specify the assembly ie. the DLL  which has the typename

 parameters: specify the parameters if typename has any input parameters.

Note :  Refer in for all the System Namespace and its classess, .Net Class Library list,,, below is the link

Few Examples :

Example 1:

' Display our own message Created from System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox --Typename ,, which belong to System.Windows.Forms Assembly

Dim msg
Set msg = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox", "System.Windows.Forms") "This is Venkat","Sample"
Example :2
'Display our own window /Form

Dim frm1
Set frm1 = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.Form", "System.Windows.Forms")
 frm1.Text = "Venkat"
 frm1.Maximizebox = True
 frm1.Minimizebox = True
 frm1.Width = 500
 frm1.Height =200
 frm1.Location.X = 50
 frm1.Location.Y = 200
