Difference btween QTP and Selenium

sno HP UFT (QTP)                           Selenium Better
1 Licensed Tool (costly) Open Source Tool ( no cost) Selenium
2 Supports for Desktop(windows) based (like java, .net, SAP, Oracle ERP…etc) and Web based applications only for web based applications QTP
3 easy to develop the scripts as it provides built in objects, methods..etc little complex to integrate third party tools and write programming from scratch QTP
4 scripts are developed only in QTP Window scripts are developed in different  IDEs like Visual Studio, Eclipse, Netbeans Selenium
5 Scripts are developed only using VBScript Scripts are developed using JAVA, C#,  Ruby, Perl, Phython,Groovy..etc Selenium
6 provides object repository so that it is easy to add objects and store the properties to recognize objects there is no object repository, all properties are written in the code only QTP
7 Tool can be integrated with HP QC for test management and defect reporting There are no tools to integrate QTP
8 Very good support as we buy the license Has to depend on forums, groups for help QTP
9 very good help documents to learn and explore no good help provided by the tool with examples and should explore from diff sources QTP
10 dedicated system needed to run the scripts, cannot interrup in middle the system used to run the script, we can perform other work and scripts are running in background Selenium
11 supports mainly for IE browser and also supports for firefox and chrome supports for all the browsers IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera Selenium
12 supports only on windows OS supports on windows, Linux, Mac OS Selenium
